01:202:389 Criminal Justice Seminar
Description: Examination of some central issues in contemporary criminal justice. Topics vary from semester to semester.
Prerequisites: 01:202:201
Course Synopsis:

Professor WILSON, Section 80 & 81, Crimmigration: The intersection of criminal law and immigration law. This course will provide students with a general overview of U.S. immigration law and the paths for legal presence, legal residence and naturalization.  There will be an emphasis on how criminal activity or a conviction impacts the ability of Non-U.S. Citizens to enter or remain in the United States. Students will also learn about the various agencies that share in the formulation of immigration policy, creation of law and the enforcement of the policies and laws.

At the completion of the course, students will be able to analyze a fact pattern and identify the potential laws and outcomes that will impact a Non-U.S. Citizen.  Students will also be informed about new federal and regional polices concerning immigration law enforcement.

Professor COHEN, Section 01, Emerging Issues in Law Enforcement and Homeland Security: This class will explore current issues impacting law enforcement and homeland security professionals in the United States. The class will examine high-profile events impacting public safety and public reaction to these events. Specific areas of focus will include violent crime, use of force by law enforcement officers, homegrown violent extremism, cyber-attacks, international terrorism, transnational drug trafficking, and domestic intelligence and information sharing activities.

Professor WEILL - GREENBERG, Section 02, Wrongful Convictions: This course will cover the causes of wrongful conviction, including eyewitness misidentifications, false confessions, racism, media bias, homophobia, and faulty forensic science. Case studies will be used to illustrate these causes. The course will include both lectures and discussions so please come prepared to discuss assigned readings so you can help contribute to an informed and interesting discussion!

Current Syllabus: Spring 2018 COHEN
Previous Syllabi:

Fall 2017 WILSON
Fall 2017 COHEN
Spring 2017 COHEN
Fall 2016 WILSON

Spring 2016 WILSON

Fall 2015 SIULC

Fall 2015 WILSON
Fall 2014 YUZUK
Fall 2013 SIULC
Fall 2013 YUZUK

Spring 2013 POSLUSZNY
Fall 2012 SIULC