01:202:322 Juvenile Justice
Description: Examination of the recent political history of American juvenile justice; the policies, trends, and programs in juvenile justice during the past two decades. Focus on historical developments, the full range of contemporary alternatives for counseling and treatment, legal issues and functions of juvenile justice agencies, an exploration of future directions, and a reform agenda for the next two decades.
Prerequisites: 01:202:201
Course Synopsis:

Professor CARR: This course is designed to give students an overview of the topic of juvenile justice, with a specific emphasis on the United States juvenile justice system, though comparisons with other justice systems will be made from time to time.  The course will examine the history of the juvenile justice system, and evaluate how juvenile wrongdoing has been socially constructed as a problem.  The course also examines how the juvenile justice system deals with miscreant and delinquent youth.  We investigate several aspects of the juvenile system, including the juvenile courts, juvenile residential and non-residential interventions, and alternative means of dealing with so-called problem youth, such as restorative justice and diversion programs.

Current Syllabus: Fall 2017 CARR
Previous Syllabi:

Fall 2016 CARR

Fall 2016 RUSSELL
Fall 2016 SHERIDAN
Spring 2016 RUSSELL

Fall 2015 CARR

Spring 2015 DONNELLY

Fall 2014 CARR
Fall 2014 SHERIDAN

Fall 2013 CARR

Summer 2013 SZEJNER
Spring 2013 SZEJNER
Summer 2012 SHERIDAN
Summer 2012 SZEJNER
Spring 2012 SZEJNER