01:202:302 Police Organization and Administration
Description: The effect of organizational structure and administrative procedure on police function; the processes of police recruitment, career advancement, and leadership.
Prerequisites: 01:202:201
Course Synopsis:  Professor DONNELLY: The field of police administration is dynamic and ever changing.  Laws are modified, new problems occur, and administrative practices that were once accepted are challenged, modified and in some cases discarded. This course will examine the effects of organizational structure and administrative procedure on the police function in a changing society. The class will use both lecture and scenario discussion.  The class will put emphasis on special key issues including human resource management, leadership skills, legal aspects of policing and the use of modern techlogy.  Students will gain a better understanding on how police departments are managed and supervision in our modern society.
Current Syllabus:  Fall 2016 DONNELLY
Previous Syllabi:

Fall 2015 DONNELLY
Spring 2014 SZEJNER
Summer 2013 DONNELLY
Spring 2012 DONNELLY

Fall 2011 LOSACCO